Aus einer Nacht in Luxemburg


Was Montagabend wirklich geschah:

Jack: Ursula, please, Tony is outraged, so please...

Ursula: ... you do not know what's going on when Wolfgang is furious - and definitely: He is furious. So: You pay. No British rebate any more...

Hektische Telefonate Luxemburg-London bzw. -Wien.

Jack: Tony says, ok, so let us write: In twenty years all eu-members will consider to pay maybe...

Ursula: ...strike off "twenty years", "consider", and "maybe", write: For all future all eu-members will pay the same...

Jack Haare raufend: If I agree, will you agree, too!!!???

Ursula: ...if you accept also to start with Croatia...

Jack: Shame on you ... (Protokoll geschwärzt) ... Carla, listen to Tony's demand: For Ursel's sake, tell us "Croatia is very cooperative" ... but everything's ok! Will you listen to me, Carla. Carla, this is not a request, this is an order by Her Majesty's Prime Minister and, of course, by me, Her Majesty's Foreign Secretary and the President of the European Council ...

George W. (am Telefon via Freisprechanlage): friend Erdogan wants a turkey from you, I understand, maybe he's in need of it for his Thanksgiving Dinner. So, bloody hell, my European friends, make Erdogan happy and give him this damn turkey...

Jack, Ursula, Carla...: ???? ofri

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