Vienna writing


Dear President, we are close to you.


Dear President, we are close to you.


Dear President, (the Mister I spare me again, because we are friends in mind.) On behalf of me, my glourious past as Vicechancellor, and Dr. Jörg Jörgl Haider, who I represent here on earth, I wish to congratulate you heartly for your Covid-­Comeback. Dr. Jörgl always said, „Here I am again!“ And here you are! I tried this sort of comback too here in the Vienna­Election, but you know, it is too a small city. Me and Dr. Haider, we are close to you. In America we could have been President. Jörgl was good in taxes and banking. And me I was good with paintball­plays in the woods with some proud boys.

So with us not only trees were explosive. The Jörgl would have become President and me Vice. Anyway, this is what I want to tell you: Austria got talent. And You can have it. I am a good adviser, also for the covid­problem. I recall one thing: My Party and me long before Corona, prohibited masks alltogether in Austria. Know why? The leftists masked themselves and attacked our Proudboys. So we share the same wavelength, Donald. I want to give you the mask­prohibition­idea for free. I hope you love it and that You write me back, not that You also suffer a „Vienna­Election“ like me. Seize the Moment, call me! Your ÄtschSee

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